Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Project Sinterklaas of: Laura,Davine,Rein,en Behazin

The History of Saint Nicholas!

You will find these subjects:

- The history of the Saint himself

- The history of Peppernuts

- The history of “Black Pete”

- A funny video for you to see!

Who did what:

- The history of saint Nicholas: Rein

- The history of Peppernuts and Black Pete: Laura

- The pictures: Davine

- The video: Behazin

Why do we want you to learn about Saint Nicholas?

We decided to show you some of our Dutch culture because we thought it would be interesting for you to know. We celebrate it on 5th of December and it has many nice story’s around it that you will find in this page. We hope you enjoy it and Happy Holidays!

The history of Saint Nicholas

1600 years ago was there a man called ‘Saint Nicholas’

The bishop lived in Myra, that is place in Turkey. The legend story tells us that he saved a village from hunger.

He also saved 3 dead children and he gave them live again.

He died 6 December in the year 343.

Later in 20-21 century’s we give him the name ‘sinterklaas’ and he lives in Spain and gives everyone lots of presents.

The history of Peppernuts

The history of Pepernoten (pepper nuts)

I’m going to tell you about Pepernoten (pepper nuts)

No, pepper nuts are not nuts from pepper. Pepper nuts are candy what children and people eat when it is Saint Nicholas. Is made from Rye flower and a little bit of anise.

It’s traditional that Zwarte pieten (black pete (I’ll give you information about that later)) throw the pepper nuts all over the room, so that children going to search that candy. Especially little kids like to do this.

So, now do you know what pepper nuts are! J Now I’m going to tell you the History of Pepper nuts. A long time ago, Saint Nicholas and his Black pete, were helping pore children, to give them pepper nuts and coins. Well, they especially throw it to this kids. There’s a story about this, and I’m going to tell you now.

A long time ago there were three young ladies. There all going to married with a man. But there was a problem. they’re dad had not enough money to pay there marriage. So, he forced his daughters to work as a prostitute. When Saint Nicholas heard this, he was going to help this girls to throw coins and pepper nuts to them. So they can pay there wedding.

The history of Black Pete

Black Pete is the help of Saint Nicholas. Black Pete is Recognisable at his black painted head and a colourful suit of the 17th or 18th century. Black Pete also has black curly hair. Actually there was only one Black Pete, but now everyone thought, what if there were more Black Pete’s? so they dressed up as him and made it the event even more fun! J Black Pete brings candy and presents to children. He climbs through the chimney and that’s why his head is “black”.

Well, I hope that you understand the history of pepper nuts J

And I’m sorry about my terrible English J

Kisses and hugs!

Laura (from Holland)

The Video ! J

Here is a video that I made about Saint Nicholas!

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